+ the_AAC /
+ the_AAC /
2700 Paseo del Mar
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. 90275
United States of America
This is basically a long span bridge composed of 3 separate howe truss systems, joined together to span a clear distance of 155′, and a total length of 240′.

The bays are broken up into sections of public, vs. private uses, and allows the client to penetrate the public spaces, as you head north through the 10′ clear spaces, to the more private zones, with complete and unobstructive views of the Pacific Ocean.

+ gallery /
To prevent erosion, and controlling seismic movement, the base of the connection point of the slope of Agua Amagra Canyon (AAC), and the structure, are dual pivot point hinges, that roll north to south and allows over 2′ of expansion of the base, and can be jacked and adjusted to compensate for erosion over time, along with shotcreting, 25′ in either direction of the pin connections.
+ layouts /
+ credits /
- Design + Build: humnlab+ architecture /
- General Contractor: EPIC, Construction, Inc.
- Structural/MEP Engineer: MMSE, Mike Martinez, C.E., S.E.
- Soils Engineer: Jonathan Miller, CEG Bay Cities Geology
- Green Roof: Justin Ewart/AAWRP
- Photography: DNA_Photography